Riza Abhayamudra

Eldritch Knight Fighter

the Knight of Tel'Terra

Riza Abhayamudra is a proficient swordsman and a blademage-in-training. Hailing from the Abhayamudran Clan in Svaha, she was recruited by the Tel'Terran army at a young age.

Steadfast, brave, loyal, and resilient, Riza rose quickly through the ranks and became a field agent for the Knights of Tel'Terra.

The Lightning Crown Visions

You're standing in a forest of broken shapes, irregular angles, and fractured geometry. You're at the edge of the world. At the edge of time, where thought veers from reality. You can feel your friends and allies to your side. You grip Samsara and step forward. The titanic copper dragon in front of you roars its challenge and lunges at you. In the reflection of its scales, you can see a crown of lightning on top of your head.

You blink and a rush of static spreads through your body. You see a sword of fracturing metal swing down. You raise your shield to block it, deflecting the lethal blow.

"Thank you, child" a deep rumble behind you as Coronius steps past your shield and unleashes a torrent of dragonfire at the metal man with broken, metallic, mirror skin. The flames sweep to the side and you can see the crown of lightning on your head reflected from his mirrored face.



Tel'Terran Knight, Arbiter of Minor Disputes, Adventurer




Dragonborn (red/copper)


Eldritch Knight Fighter


Riza was raised alongside her older brother in her hometown of Svaha. Her parents are prominent members of the town, her father being on the Svahan Council of Elders and her mother being his personal Elite Guard. Her mother would often train her and her brother together, creating a playful rivalry between them. When old enough, she began her role as a guard to the townspeople of Svaha, continuing to train with her brother and mother on a regular basis. When a messenger came through town, calling for warriors and fighters to join the Army of Tel’Terra, she and her good friend Raksha decided to leave home. Her brother stayed behind to look over his parents and become an integral part of the town, like his parents. Riza trained with the army for several years, before finding she had a natural spark for magic. When the army realized this, they elevated her to an Eldritch Knight, allowing her to travel freely and keeping the peace wherever she finds herself.


Riza is a sizeable dragonborn, even by their standards. She is a soft mix between a red dragon and a copper one, making her a brilliant reddish-rusty color. She has purple spikes down her head and neck, and teal-green patterning on her scales. Her eyes are the same teal-green hue. She adorns herself with some flashy gold jewelry, but nothing too intricate. Even when off-duty, Riza wears half-plate, a sentimental remnant from her home town. When in her army gear, she keeps to half-plate, but now in the black and red style of the other soldiers of Tel’Terra. She keeps her personal blade with her at all times, a longsword forged by her father and brother just for her. She named it Samsara.

Allies and Organizations:

Svaha, The Abhayamudra Clan, The Army of Tel’Terra, Nadira (Mother), Asad (Father), Khamir (Older Brother), Raksha (Clan Member/Fellow Knight), Ilirok“Hidebreaker” (Fellow Knight)


Riza is a happy person, who likes to keep things positive. While not the brightest, she can be very wise. Simplicity is her virtue, much like if a pet dog could speak. Despite this, she is actually very mellow and low-energy. She isn’t easy to anger, and usually keeps a level head. Riza isn’t a push-over though; she can be stubborn and will absolutely stand her ground when she feels she is right. Food is a strong motivator, as well as pets. Please do not make her wear shoes.

Riza's Journal

Memories and fragments of Riza's life