Blair Quileth

Archfey Warlock

the Duchess of Mistfen

Inheritor of the Quileth Estate after her parents' untimely death, Blair Quileth is a noblewoman of some renown due to her birth status and adventures with The Party. She made a bargain with an entity that called itself Malhalzelstar in return for the magical power necessary to find her parents' murderer and exact vengeance.

She is adept in Alchemy and a skilled Statesmen.

The Lightning Crown Visions

The world around you is darkened. Muted. You approach a ring of stones in the middle of a field. The light from your keystone illuminates the night around you. The stones awaken and move to form a half circle in front of you.

"Palime- ar eteleht- me" he commands. The words escape your lips. Your face and fingers become cold and numb as the magic leaves you. A shimmering pool of deep purple and black appears within the stones. You step forward through the ink and into a beautiful court. You see many things. Eladrin. Fey. Intelligent beasts, beautiful gemstone carvings. But you can barely hear anything as you move through the high court, sun directly overhead. You see the frightened faces. You see their lips parting. "Mor a Karask" they are saying. Over and over. Their hands raise shields which immediately shatter. You turn around to see the bisected fey behind you. Their blood pools on the marble floors. You're alone again. Only the vines and shadowy claws of He remains with you. The broken remains of the Fey are alight with the glow of a lightning blue crown you wear on your head.

Light breaks into your eyes. You're standing near an ocean of silver water. Globes of pink and orange sunset light drift down to you. You see a gaping wound in the air in front of you. Dark sinews of purple magic leak out of the gash. "You don't know what you're doing. The power you could have had. An undying queen in an undying world,"

Your hands grasp the shard of the Fey you wear around your neck. The sunset colors of dusk bleed into your skin, a figure wreathed in light. A raven lands on your shoulder, staring intently at the hideous chasm in front of you.

You start stitching the wound closed, weaving the world of the Fey around the gash. The whispers start to fade, and the silvery water around you throws off reflections of the lightning blue light emanating from you.



Councilwoman in Mistfen, Alchemist, Adventurer






Archfey Warlock


<Insert summary of Blair's life>


<Insert Blair's Appearance>

Allies and Organizations:

<Insert Allies and Organizations>


<Insert Blair's Personality>

Blair's Diaries

Memories and fragments of Blair's life

Blair's Diaries.docx
Letter from Tao