
Open Plot Points

Quests and Points of Interest

Main Quests

  1. Where is Coronius? He is the Protector of Aslea and he has vanished. Abominations threaten the realm. He must be found before it is too late.

  2. Malhalzelstar has poisoned Blair and is contractually owed her soul. He must be dealt with before Blair has to fulfill her contract.

  3. Vak has asked the party to meet him in Tel'Terra in the future to discuss things further.

  4. Riza's arm and hand has started to feel disjointed and desynced from time. A corruption spreads through her, turning her arm ashen-grey.

  5. What happened to Rowan's parents? What happened to the Stormhearts' kingdom in The Dawn Lands?

  6. In an effort to save Svaha, Rowan agreed to go with Strata to The Dawn Lands. Rowan is now missing, hundreds of miles away in a strange land. Can the Party save Rowan? Rowan's vision also told him that he would need his sister in order to reclaim The Dawn Lands for the Stormhearts.

  7. Strata Stormheart is in possession of the Dragonspark, a powerful magical artifact capable of untold devastation. She intends to use it to wipe out all dragon and dragonkind from the face of Aslea. She must be stopped.

  8. Melgus ensured Severance she would be able to lure the ones responsible for his fate to Lanet. Make sure they have a warm welcome to the city.

Side Quests

  1. Madoc Moonrunner is locked away in Adagio. Riza promised she would return for him once The Party had defeated Tao. Adagio may also contain ancient knowledge that will help Blair save herself from the grasp of Malhalzelstar. Madoc also told Blair she was a "keystone." What is this? What does it mean? Is he lying to escape his prison?

  2. Lady Mira has invited Severance to perform at the Hallowed Masquerade in Lanet.

  3. The Party needs a place of respite, safety, and planning. Could the Quileth Estate become a base of operations for The Party?

  4. Melgus the Shopkeeper has asked the party to find, observe, and track an evil Rakshasa hiding in Lanet. It is supposedly responsible for many of Lanet's unexplained disappearances.

  5. Val the Aasimar, in an act of selfless sacrifice, banished herself and the Spirit of Judgement back to the Abyss. She is currently using her own life force to keep the Spirit locked with her. Rowan made a promise to the Goddess Mishikal to help save Val. Additionally, Riza swore an oath to Xensor the Aasimar to help save his sister, Val, in return for Xensor's help in the defense of Svaha against Strata's attack.

Points of Interest

  1. As The Party left Kybalion's cabin, they heard a scream of terror and pain emanating from within and they saw their dead bodies swinging from nooses in Longmire Hollow. They did not stay to investigate.

  2. Lord Earthsunder seemed particularly interested in gaining The Party's trust.